Select any job posting that interests you or use the filter option to help you find a specific opportunity by location.
For easy access to your applications and profile, we recommend that you create an account. This is the easiest way for you to manage and update your information without having to re-enter it each time you apply for a job opportunity.
To submit your application for a job posting, click Apply. You will be directed to the online application form and guided through the application process. Please complete all required fields in the application as indicated and upload your resume in the Experience section. The final screen prior to submitting your application is Review. Use the Back button if you would like to make any additional edits. When you are ready to submit your application, click Submit.
Once your information has been successfully submitted, you will receive an email confirmation that we have received your application. Through your profile, you will be able to view the opportunities you have applied to under My Applications.
Once the competition for the position has closed, all applications will be reviewed to determine the best fit for the position. Depending on the match of your skills and experience to the requirements of the position, you may be contacted to arrange an interview.
Please note that it may take up to 4 weeks after the job’s closing date to review resumes, and only those candidates that have been short-listed for an interview will be contacted.
Candidates will be interviewed by the Hiring Manager, and other individuals/team members as required (may include a Human Resource representative, other managers/team members).
Candidates who have completed interview(s), but have not been selected to proceed, will be contacted to let them know. Successful interview candidates will be contacted to arrange for reference checks.
Viterra will only extend offers of employment upon the successful completion of reference checks.
Successful candidates will receive an offer of employment in writing from Viterra. Start date and orientation information will be discussed and arranged at this time.