Viterra Marketing Advantage - grow your potential.
Viterra has a wide variety of contracts to help you develop a disciplined risk management plan for marketing your grain.
Click into each of the contract types listed below to learn more about each type!
A basis contract lets you lock in a basis level on a specific quantity and quality of grain for a specified delivery period, but leaves the futures price open until a later time.
The Daily Plus Target contract helps producers by establishing an accumulation level above the current futures market with the option of setting a guaranteed floor price.
The Delayed Price contract allows you to secure a delivery period for your crop without immediately locking in a basis, futures or flat price.
Click here to learn more!
A fixed futures contract allows you to fix the futures price and delivery period on a quantity of grain leaving the basis open. This agreement must be completed during market day trading and liquidity of futures months.
The fixed price contract allows you to lock in a basis and futures price, establishing a net price and delivery period for a specified quantity and quality of grain.
The Futures Tracker contract allows you to monitor price fluctuations in the futures market to provide you the benefit of those values. Viterra will track the daily futures closing prices over your chosen time period in order to determine the average of those daily values, which will govern your final futures price for your contract.
A Minimum Price contract provides you the protection of a guaranteed minimum price for your canola and also allows you to participate in a strong futures market rally.
A Producers’ Choice contract provides you with the ability to participate in futures market movements, up or down, on an existing fixed price contract. You have the potential to increase your established contract price if the futures price increases.
Viterra's Target Price Agreement (TPA) allows you to select the basis, futures on an existing basis contract or net price you would like to achieve without having to monitor the ups and downs of the market.
With myViterra's online contracting and Target Price Agreement tools, it's now even easier for you to market your grain when it's convenient for you!
Note: Not all contracts are available at each facility. Please contact your Viterra Rep for more information.